5th Nov 2009 – Twitter Trending Topics - #TEDIndia
On 5th Nov 2009, TED launched its first conference in India at the Infosys Campus in Mysore, India. There was a live streaming on indiatimes.com with both Facebook and Twitter live feeds allowing the audience to chat and share their thoughts as they watch. I thought it was a pretty cool idea! Transparency and customer engagement – that’s the entire idea of social media right?
A lot of companies these days (especially retailers) are experimenting with the idea of live ads. In an example of click-to-chat, NeXplore launched a public beta launch of NeXplore Ads version 2.0, a search ad platform that creates paid-search ad campaigns using text ads, branded images and video commercials with built-in, real-time consumer-interaction capabilities such as video chat, call scheduling, email and instant messaging. The tool lets consumers watch a video commercial, then click to begin a real-time video chat with a contact center agent.
Something on similar lines but more in line with TEDIndia allowing customers to watch an ad and then share their opinion about the product with their friends would be great idea. Not only will it provide you customer insights but also provide you with word of mouth marketing. It’s risky true, but it’s always better to have an option to provide your take on it.